Saturday, September 19, 2009


I know what you're thinking:

"Ahhh, just another schmucky cook-through blog. So what? There are a ton of them out there."

I understand the feeling, but please, there 's a difference between all of those other ones and this one. The difference: None of them are written by 16-year-olds, and not a whole lot of them are vegetarian. This one will be great, I promise you.
Well, thank you for reading this far. Throughout my life, I've always been curious about the process of cooking food. The scientist in me is always wondering how one takes relatively inedible ingredients and transforms them into something worth eating, obsessing over, and blogging about. My interest really started to take off when my mother, Melissa Palladino, got something called The Gourmet Cookbook and started a cook-through blog of it. Since then, I've sat back and watched her blog and blog and blog about cooking and food. In time, my own cooking skills grew by watching and imitating. I've even done some guest posts on there.

Well, we happen to have a cookbook around the house that I adore, called Sundays at Moosewood. I'd tried out a few recipes from it before this, and I've really liked them. The book is entirely vegetarian, so it's good for anyone who might want to try it. I really can't wait to get started on this. It'll be a roller coaster ride.